This weeks assignment came in the form of a group project. We were told to form groups to create some kind of an infoboard on spesific topics such as ours, violence. We had to divide our posts into 3 sections, what we had known up until that time, what we wanted to know about the topic, and after some research, what we have learned of it.
If you have a social enough life, and you are not sitting in your home and staring at a wall all day, you would have at least one tiny idea about violent. Espicially in our daily life, as people of Turkey, it is really hard not to be exposed to it in any way shape or form, in this chaotic, violent environment , as I stated in my post :).
I think Padlet creates a better groupworking environment in these times for the students as they can monitor their peers while they are working themselves. I also benefited from this point while creating my post for this assignment with my friends. Even though it lacks some useful digital document tools (like from microsoft office) it makes up to it with its free service, so its user friendly. I like it and will possibly make my students use it in a group project